Wie schön, dass du da bist!

Noch nie war Wissen und Gesundheit so nah und doch so fern wie in unserer Zeit!
Im Laufe meines Lebens wuchs meine Begeisterung für die Regulationsfähigkeit unseres Körpers sowie für die gesunderhaltende Kraft der Natur. Der Öffentlichkeit oft unbekannt, sind die Wirkungen der Natur häufig wissenschaftlich bestätigt.
In meiner beruflichen Laufbahn arbeite ich seit über 18 Jahren im human-medizinischen Bereich.
Dort spezialisierte ich mich auf die Beratung von Ärzten und Heilpraktikern im Bereich Ernährungsmedizin, Immunologie, Allergien und chronische Stoffwechselerkrankung.

Leben. Wissen. Wohlfühlen. – in diesem Ausdruck steckt all meine Leidenschaft, Lebenserfahrung und Wissen zusammen!

What You'll Find in the Challenge:

Create a Foundation for Change

Set the stage for lasting change by digging deep and gaining clarity on what you really need to work on to finally feel at your peak!

Focus on Food & Fitness

Learn daily practices, simple recipes and exercise (that you can actually use as a busy mom), overhaul your pantry and more!

Elevate Your Environment

Learn how to kick toxicity to the curb in all areas of your life, better manage stress and keep yourself on track for positive change.

Cleansing & Transformation

Kickstart your transformation with a guided 5 day detox, and get your goals in place for taking your transformation to the next level!
Ready to wake up and thrive every day?
Let's get you looking and feeling your best (and make it stick!) in just 28 days.

In this FREE challenge, you'll:

  • Set the stage for lasting change by digging deep and gaining clarity on what you really need to work on to finally feel at your peak

  • Learn daily practices, simple recipes and exercise (that you can actually use as a busy mom), overhaul your pantry and more

  • Learn how to kick toxicity to the curb in all areas of your life, better manage stress and keep yourself on track for positive change.

  • Kickstart your transformation with a guided 5 day detox, and get your goals in place for taking your transformation to the next level!
PLUS: get the workbook, DOABLE daily to-do's and all my secrets
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Hey there! I'm SO glad you found me!

I'm Jane. I help driven, soul-centered people like you regain confidence, energy and live a vibrant life.

I didn't arrive here easily, though.

For years, I felt helpless inside my own body.... Even as I was learning how to integrate more holistic and “crunchy” habits into my life, I was still struggling daily...

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